Coffee & Coaching: Navigating Normal

What is normal anyway? In this session, we will discuss getting grounded in these ever-shifting times and use relevant coaching tools to provide clarity and guidance for next steps. The session is free and open to all adults. There will be opportunities to interact and video is optional.

Coffee & Coaching: Managing Emotions

Emotions are a balancing act even on a good day. In this online session, we will use relevant coaching tools to counteract negative emotions and create a positive position for your day. The session is free and open to all adults. There will be opportunities to interact and video is optional. Join via Zoom:

Coffee & Coaching: Dealing with Distraction

Living in distractionville? In this online session, we will discuss blocks to productivity and use relevant coaching tools to reduce busyness and create purposeful productivity. The session is free and open to all adults. There will be opportunities to interact and video is optional.

Coffee and Coaching: Handling Conflict

Cayman Islands

Conflict is not necessarily a bad thing but knowing how to handle it is even better. Learn to identify your personal conflict style, it's pros and cons and easy ways to de-escalate tense situations. This free training session will take place via Zoom and is open to all adults. There will be opportunities to interact […]
